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About Our App

Law Proficiency Quiz App is designed for enhancing the knowledge of law and General awareness. It can prove to be a useful tool for cracking down the competitive examinations related to important sections of Indian Laws like IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act as this app comprises description of dozens of important sections of these acts along with the multiple choice questions. It also has a wide range of questions that will test the overall understanding of laws. Users can also review the questions and give their detailed comment so as to help others to fully understand the ins and outs related to that section.

Understandable Language

To make the content understandable in the app, punjabi language which is the native language of Punjabi people is used along with English descriptions.

Sections of Laws

All the important sections of IPC, CrPC, Evidence Act etc are listed on this application, which can be traversed and read in much more easy way as compared to other sources.


Content is designed in such a way, that user can give ample time to fully understand one section of law before running towards next one.

Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice questions in the shape of QUIZ has been placed on this app so as to enhance the knowledge in the field of Indian Laws and General Awareness.

Measure the Performance

Users can measure their performance by getting the good marks while playing the quiz. Users can also view their attempted and skipped questions on their profile alongwith correct answers of the questions.

Faster Learning

With the help of this application, users will learn faster as compared to the traditional method of learning. Only one thumb press on the mobile phone will open up the doors of knowledge.

How The App Works?


Potential user of this application has to sign up with his name and email address before going in the application. Signing up is very easy and is mandatory because it will the help the user to track down his performance. It will allow the user to know which question he has attempted and which one was previously skipped by him. Please note that while signing up, users should enter their password thay they can remember for long time and it is also advised not to use gmail passwords here.


It is advised to study the sections of laws on this app before playing the quiz so as to score good marks. Study thoroughly by giving ample time to each section will help you to understand the logic behind it. Good marks can only be scored if somebody should give enough time to learn. Moreover, headings of the laws are in Punjabi (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) language while detail of laws are mostly in the english. We will soon convert the details of sections in the punjabi language too.

Play the Quiz

Users can play quiz on the category of the law, which he or she will select. Users will be presented with one question and four multiple choice answers in which one answer will be correct. User has to press the right answer key. The moment user replies, application will revert by saying that answer provided by the user is correct or false. If user wants to skip the question, he or she may skip it and later on this question along with answer can be seen on his profile. One mark will be given for each correct answer and it is advisable that users should attempt the answers and do not skip the questions until they are clueless about them. Users can also give rating and comment on the questions.

Profile of Users

After playing the quiz, uses can see their profile to know how much marks he or she had obtained. Users should also tap on the attempt tab so as to know which questions they had attempted. Users can also review a question on their profile so that later on it will help other people. User can only review once. Results are stored on the server means that if user log out from his ID and later on login into their ID from some other device there results will be automatically uploaded. We are adding questions on daily basis so stay in touch with this application.

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Information on this application is mainly published after verifying its authenticity from the various sources which is related to Indian Laws and General Knowledge and is freely available everywhere. However, author will not be responsible for any discrepancy of information published herein or on this app. Author will not be responsible for any loss, which may arise after reliance on the information provided here. If anybody founds any error in the information herein, he/she may write to us on our email address: injectionofquotes@gmail.com